Ag Data Wrangling
Open Innovation Challenge:
How might we support farming and agribusinesses of the future with the onslaught of technology coming their way? How can a holistic understanding of farming data help keep agriculture as efficient, profitable and coordinated as possible?
Reason for Seeking External Innovation Partnership:
“All-in” data and technology support that has the best interests of farming operations are not easy to come by, but if someone can make the information more accessible and ease the burden for the operator, everyone dependent on that data thrives..
Scope of Solution Space:
Compeer Financial is interested in hearing from multi-source information aggregators with an agricultural lens. We’re looking for ways to smooth the path to actionable information for farmers and agribusinesses from the many tech platforms they’re encountering: Machinery data, production data, marketing intelligence, requests for traceability, quality tracking, disease and fertilization information, wholesale/retail demand, logistics efficiencies, workforce analyses, and more. Very few farmers are hoping to spend all day on their laptop, but these data sets are critical for their vitality. With the increasing demands for precision farming, autonomous machines, GIS decision tools, etc., more data dependence is on the way each day. Farm management tools solve some of the problem, financial management tools another part, machinery software a different part. Who can help keep it all straight, get platforms to talk to each other, be flexible with the whims of farming operations and adapt as needs change?
Solutions Not of Interest:
Platforms that are tied specifically to only one aspect or manufacturer for a farming operation.
Company Background:
Compeer Financial is a member-owned Farm Credit cooperative serving and supporting agriculture and rural communities. The $29.7 billion organization provides loans, leases, risk management and other financial services throughout 144 counties in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Based in the Upper Midwest, Compeer Financial exists to champion the hopes and dreams of rural America, while providing personalized service and expertise to clients and the agriculture industry.
Compeer Financial is the third largest cooperative of the Farm Credit System, a nationwide network of lending institutions supporting agriculture and rural communities with reliable, consistent credit and financial services. Learn more about Compeer Financial.